Losing My Foster Mother Was Extremely Numbing – Actress, Zainab Balogun Opens Up
Posted by  badge Boss on Apr 10, 2022 - 03:38PM

Balogun also shared memories of her foster mother whom she credited, among other things, for giving her the freedom to explore her talent.

Zainab Balogun-Nwachukwu, the Nollywood actress, has expressed her grief after losing her foster mother.

Sharing pictures on her Instagram page, the TV host revealed she had two mothers: her biological mother whom she refers to as “mummy”, and her foster “mum” who raised her since she was eight years old.

“I am blessed with two mothers. Mummy (biological) and Mum; the woman God chose to raise me from the age of eight,” she revealed.

“God made no mistakes the day I walked into her house which she made my home for almost 15 years. It’s been a week since she passed and it’s extremely numbing.”

Balogun also shared memories of her foster mother whom she credited, among other things, for giving her the freedom to explore her talent.

“In my mind, I was going to be a superstar singer. Mum gave me her blessings to chase it in secondary school. From auditions to performances, she was with it.

“When Mummy would freak out, Mum would say, Yinka, fi omo yi sile fun mi, which means, ‘Leave her alone for me’. I discovered who I wanted to be early because mum gave me the freedom to do,” she wrote.

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