UK Police Panel Gives Khafi Kareem Final Written Warning For Appearing On Big Brother Naija

The Metropolitan Police has given a final written warning to Big Brother Naija contestant, Khafi Kareem for appearing on the reality show without permission.
A court hearing was lodged last week after an independent panel found she had committed gross misconduct by appearing on the reality show in June 2019.
The hearing heard how she lodged a request for unpaid leave in June 2019 to star on the reality show, which was due to start just a few weeks later.
Permission for the leave was granted, but she was told not to take part in the series due to concerns for her wellbeing and the Met’s public image.
Now, PC Khafilat Kareem has been handed a final written warning .
The misconduct panel, sitting at the Empress Building in west London, found that PC Kareem had breached the standards of professional behaviour in relation to “orders and instructions” and “discreditable conduct”.
Following the panel’s conclusion, Det Ch Supt Andy Day said, “Permission was refused for PC Kareem to appear on the Nigerian version of Big Brother as it was felt it was not in the best interest for either her or the Metropolitan Police Service to take part.
“Despite this refusal, she went on the show anyway. A detailed investigation was carried out by the Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards which concluded PC Kareem should face gross misconduct proceedings.
“Being a police officer means you must abide by the standards of professional behaviour. PC Kareem’s behaviour clearly fell far short and she has been given a final written warning.”
Deputy Assistant Commissioner Matt Twist told the hearing: ‘I was worried about her mental health, we have no ability to support or intervene in the Big Brother house.
‘We had no idea what security was in place around the Big Brother house and something awful could happen there or she could be targeted as a serving constable.
‘Over the years a number of people who come out of the Big Brother house are reported in the media to have suffered mental health issues. Knowing the UK version, this is something we wouldn’t want a serving officer appearing on.’
Khafi’s lawyers insisted the show was a chance to ‘promote the Met on an international basis’, lawyers for the Met said.
Khafi who now has 1.4 million Instagram followers, lasted 77 days before being evicted from the Big Brother Naija house in Lagos.