A carjacker who attacked a great-grandmother and stole her car crashed her vehicle shortly after and died.
The suspect approached Shirlene Hernandez, 72, as she walked into a Shell gas station in San Antonio, Texas, to purchase a Diet Coke on Tuesday of last week, reported. He reportedly grabbed her car keys and hit her in the face multiple times.
Three men helped Hernandez after the attack, but they were unable to stop the suspect from fleeing in her car.
However, the suspect did not get far. He was found in Hernandez’s totaled car, dead, close by in a highway not long after assaulting her.
Hernandez was left with a badly bruised face. She is expected to recover. Despite being attacked, the great-grandmother was saddened by the carjacker’s death.
‘There’s a lot of people who would say what goes around comes around, karma. I did not think that; the only thing I got (was) really sad because he had died,’ Hernandez reportedly said.
‘Now granted, he had hurt me, but the Lord saw fit to take him out of his misery.’
Hernandez has been unable to get to work without her car.
‘The man who took her car hit her with the door, badly bruising her face,’ Hernandez’s granddaughter Helen Garcia wrote in a page set up to help her get back on her feet. ‘The man wrecked her car and totaled it, leaving her without a way to get to work or appointments.’
More than $30,000 had been raised as of Wednesday afternoon. Its initial goal was $5,000.
‘We are in awe and so thankful for the outpouring of love and support,’ Garcia wrote in an update to the fundraiser on Saturday. ‘I don’t know how to properly say thank you to everyone.’
The carjacker’s identity has not been revealed.
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