Cowboy expertly lassoes runaway cow on motorway in – you guessed it – ‘Merica
Posted by  badge  on Jun 09, 2022 - 11:19AM
The cowboy expertly lassoes the cow

Only in America would you see a cowboy galloping down a motorway in pursuit of a loose cow.

But that is exactly what happened on Interstate 40 in Oklahoma after an animal escaped from a trailer loaded with cattle.

Footage taken from a news helicopter – it is America remember – shows the cow running down a grassy verge between the two lanes of traffic as the cowboy chases after on horseback.

A quadbike comes into view and tries to corner the cow as it dangerously runs into the road.

This allows the cowboy to catch up and he gets ready to wrangle the animal, but it takes off running again.

He then picks up speed and takes out his lasso before throwing it over the cow’s head and yanking the noose tight.

‘Get him, get him, stay on him…Yes!’ a man is heard shouting in the incredible footage.

The cow escapes down a grassy verge between the two lanes

One of the cowboys, Black Igert, told KOCO News: ‘It was a little more intense this time.

‘We were right in the middle of traffic. The cows were heading right into the Interstate.’

Kelli Payne, president of Oklahoma National Stockyards, praised the herders and confirmed the runaway cow was not from the stockyard.

She said: ‘There was a trailer load of cattle being hauled in and there was a malfunction with the back gate.

‘This could have been a lot worse for sure.’


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